All the Pretty Paris Meals, 2nd Edition

I like a lot of places.  But I love very few.  Cities are like people in that way.  But I love Paris.  Paris, je t’aime.  If a city could be a person, Paris would be my best friend.  And New York would be my mom.  Even though in real life, the one comes from the other!  But you get the point.

I am in London seeing Mr. English, and because I don’t know when I’ll be back in Europe, I begged him to go to Paris with me.  It’s still such novelty to me, fleeing to my favorite city by train, staying for just a couple days.  What American thinks of going to Paris for less than a weekend?  I will never take that for granted.

I love the moment the Eurostar emerges from the under the Channel, and I know I am looking onto the fields of northern France.  I still imagine them in such a provincial way, full of butter and Calvados, like out of a Courbet painting.  Even though in reality I see wind farms.  Then, I arrive in Paris.  I am always grinning like the Cheshire cat who caught the canary–ear to ear.  Because I am in Paris!  How cool is that?  I slip onto the Metro, and come out on the same street where we always stay, at the same hotel, on the same street on which I lived while I was at the Cordon Bleu.  I love that I have a little “home” in a city I didn’t even visit until I was fifteen years old.  It’s close to my cousins, but it has nothing to do with where maman and Mémé lived ages ago.  It’s all mine.  I know all my favorite shops and bistros and cafés.  And Mr. English and I always chide each other, because we never go anywhere else except my favorite shops and bistros and cafés.  The same pet shop that has crazy things like pigeons and squirrels.  The picnic spot on the Seine.  But I like the sense of being a local in Paris.  Again, how cool is that?

I’m passing a dreary Tuesday afternoon in a very gray London, and there’s a chance you might be doing that too somewhere.  So, if you want a little daydream, here’s a vicarious trip through fabulous Paris, as Mr. English and I lived it last weekend.  These are some of my favorite places and things, so if you plan on being Parisian anytime soon, these come with great references.

Thursday Lunch

I arrived in the Gare du Nord alone, with my usual Cheshire-Cat-ate-the-canary grin, and had to find lunch before Metro-ing over to the Petit Bateau store on the Champs-Elysées where I tend to over-stock up because the tees and striped sweaters that I subsist on are so much cheaper in France (especially if you’re there in time for the summer sales!) than they are in the Madison Avenue outpost.  The best place for that is the Horse’s Tavern, where I used to go for a 10PM Croque Monsieur after cooking school.  I don’t know why it has a name from the Wild Wild West, because it has a totally French menu.  They have so many different delicious croques on the menu that I decided not to stop and judge.  But this time, I had onion soup gratinée and a salade verte.  The onion soup took me surprise, so clear, and with very thin, miniscule bits of tomato.  But it really worked.  So gooey and satisfying.

The Horse's Tavern

The Horse's Tavern

The Horse’s Tavern

16 Carrefour Odéon

75006 Paris France

+33 01 43 54 96 91

Thursday Dinner

Mr. English met me in time for dinner in Paris.  What a gent!  Where else but our favorite place, Le Comptoir?  We sat outside on the terrace under the heaters, and it was the perfect date.  Tightly tucked on tiny round bistro tables between animated conversations and precocious pets pining for a knocked-over coin of baguette.  I love it there.  Mr. English had pavé d’agneau (roast lamb) with a wine sauce and vegetables, and his favorite, the salade niçoise.  I had beef-cheek daube, a winey stew from Provence.  They actually cooked baby elbow macaroni in the wine broth, so it was stained burgundy, and soaked with delicious stewiness.  Genius.  An idea I will definitely be hijacking.  I started with the salad of legumes de saison–every time I go there, it’s a new selection of vegetables in a new vinaigrette, so always with such abundance and color and gaiety.  It’s the best salad.  And for dessert, because this is my favorite thing anywhere in all of Paris, Le Comptoir’s vanilla pot de crème, which in my humble opinion sets the standard for all cream pots worldwide.  It is super thick, but velvety, and only slight sweet while brimming with little dots of vanilla.  It’s a dream.  I made Mr. English order his own.  I am so not sharing that.

Le Comptoir

Le Comptoir

Le Comptoir

In the Hôtel Relais Saint Germain

9 Carrefour Odéon

75006 Paris France

+33 01 43 29 12 05

Friday Breakfast

We got a really late start, so we walked down the Boulevard Saint-Germain to Les Deux Magots, our favorite breakfast place, even if it is both touristy and ritzy.  We love sitting on the terrace during the summer watching the sparrows peck at the remains of our croissants.  It’s very Paris to us.  I ordered a Croque Monsieur, which was, to put it simply, simply terrific.  I washed it down with a super-sour Citron Pressé.  Perfect as a prelude to shopping across the street at Aigle and Monoprix for rainboots and argan oil.

Croque Monsieur Les Deux Magots

Croque Monsieur, Les Deux Magots

Les Deux Magots

6 Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés

75006 Paris France

+33 01 45 48 44 25

Friday Lunch

Mr. English and I are obsessed with the Caviar d’Aubergines you can buy at the Monoprix, a department store with a great food hall, and, incidentally, really good inexpensive French soaps like Le Petit Marseillais.  We picked up a tub of Caviar d’Aubergines, which is like French Baba Ganoush, and a baguette, and head to the Luxembourg Gardens.  We wash it down with French green plums, so juicy that my hands are soaked as I eat.  Paris is a place to picnic.

Caviar d'Aubergines, Monoprix

Caviar d'Aubergines, Monoprix


50 rue de Rennes

75006 Paris France

Other stores all over France

Friday Snack

We spent the afternoon walking down the Quais on the Left Bank, browsing the stalls of old books and drawings.  I collect, admittedly, cheap copies of Redoutés flower drawings that you can find all over those stalls.  We ended at Berthillon on the Ile Saint-Louis.  It’s Paris’s most famous ice cream shop–and there are many ice cream shops in Paris.  I always order their raspberry-rose sorbet or their raspberry whipped cream, but it’s being winter, they didn’t have any.  Cheers to French insistence on seasonality!  So instead, I ordered the French equivalent of a sundae: vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.  But the vanilla ice cream was so full of vanilla that it was nearly brown, and so fragrant and delicious.  The whipped cream was stiff and fresh.  And the chocolate coulis was a just a warm drizzle, a hint.  With an almond tuile instead of a cone–it was very good.  There is something very romantic about eating something childish with the one you love.  And something very competitive about sharing a sundae.

Berthillon's Ice Cream Sundae

Berthillon's Ice Cream Sundae


29-31 rue Saint-Louis-en-Ile

75004 Paris France

+33 01 43 54 31 61

Friday Dinner

I took Mr. English back to an old institution of mine: Le Relais de l’Entrecôte.  They don’t have a menu: it’s a steak and potato place, and all you tell them is how you’d like your meat cooked.  How I hadn’t brought my steak-and-potatoes English boyfriend to this place before now I really don’t know.  We both ordered medium, and soon a green salad with walnuts and mustard dressing and baguette arrived.  Soon after, a plate of sliced steak in this unfathomable secret sauce that I’ve been trying to figure out for a decade, but still can’t decipher, under a pile of matchstick French fries.  And then, wait for it, a second identical plate arrives.  You could have dessert, but we just went for a drink at Les Editeurs a couple of blocks away.  Cassis and soda–I highly recommend it.

Steak Frites, L'Entrecote

Steak Frites, L'Entrecôte

Le Relais de l’Entrecôte

20 rue Saint-Benoît

75006 Paris France

+33 01 45 49 16 00

Saturday Breakfast

Why fix something that ain’t broke?  Back to Les Deux Magots for my more usual breakfast: Smoked Salmon Tartine on Poilâne bread, without butter.  It’s cut into little cigarettes so you can eat it with your fingers.  I always wash it down with the Pamplemousse Pressé, freshly squeezed perfect pink grapefruit juice.  And because it was my last day in Paris, a croissant.

Croissant, Les Deux Magots

Croissant, Les Deux Magots

Saturday Dinner

After a day spent buying old engravings in J.C. Martinez and browsing vintage Air France ad posters at Galerie Documents, we were ready to eat again.  We always have our first and last meals at our favorite place: Le Comptoir.  We sat inside this time, and ordered light.  I had the best scallops I’ve ever had, roasted in their shells with sweet butter and herbs, and strips of roasted and braised endive draped over the top.  Bitter, and sweet–just as a last meal should be.  The scallops were barely cooked, and tasted like sweet lobster in drawn butter.  They were so fresh that they were still attached to their shells.  I ran chunks of brown bread through the butter, and ate them.  Mr. English had seared tuna with vegetables and pistou.  And then, a chocolate tarte sablé to share.

Scallop Shells, Le Comptoir

The Remains of the Meal

It was the best weekend.  The worst part of leaving is that I don’t know when I’ll be back.  We always take the train back at night, and I can never tell when we leave those Courbet fields and head back under the Chunnel.  I hate saying goodbye.

All the Pretty Little Paris Meals, 1st Edition

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Categories: Finds, Paris, Restaurants, Voyages

Working Girl Dinners: Tortellini Soup

RECIPE: Tortellini Soup

Tortellini Soup

Tortellini Soup

Waiting to start this series has been like watching the ball drop on New Year’s Eve.  So much anticipation.  I’m so excited about it.

For the longest time, I’ve been writing recipes for four.  I never want them to be too easy or too simple, because I’m afraid that readers won’t think the recipes are worth it.  These are my insecurities.  But in reality, as much as I love writing recipes, I have a lot of leftovers, and a lot of weekends spent in the kitchen instead of, well, anywhere else.  Because, at my age, for better or worse, I’m not cooking for four, and I don’t have a lot of time to futz around between fridge and stove.

All my friends have been asking me for recipes for years that they can make after their (I’m so proud of them!) high-powered careers for themselves and the usually only one other person in their lives: a similarly aged, equally high-powered partner.  Let’s face it: we’re either all working long hours or studying long hours.  Living alone or with a boyfriend or husband or otherwise beloved.  No kids yet, but that also means no maternity leave.  Equally harried, but in a different way.  We’re not cooking for a “family,” but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to cook for our families: newborn households of two, housed in first apartments amid Ikea furniture and maybe a puppy, bright-eyed, and excited to finally be “grown-ups.”

I had one group of friends who would get together in Atlanta to recreate recipes from my columns.  I was so excited, but when my best friend from high school admitted, “We love doing it, but I have to give my up afternoon to find the ingredients,” I was embarrassed.  Not everyone devotes themselves to memorizing which supermarkets stock endive and which stock fennel–I admit, that I myself do.  Make of that what you will!

Another, newly married, told me that she wanted to make dinner for her husband.  In a world where we girls were raised to put nothing ahead of work, work, work, there is something so poignant about a new bride scuttling home from the subway at 8 o’clock just wanting to make a simple meal for her husband, who probably picked up Chinese takeout on the way home.

When I asked them what they wanted, they all said healthy, fast, simple, at times impressive, and made from ingredients easily found between subway and apartment.  Voila.  Working Girl Dinners was born.

Writing these recipes, I remember advice I learned about writing growing up: write what you know.  Similarly, I would advise: cook what you want.  I was free of all constraints, making food that actually works in my life, and that I couldn’t wait to eat.  Dinner was usually ready in less than 20 minutes, with no leftovers to worry about, very little cleanup.  What hadn’t I done this sooner?

In Working Girl Dinners, I hope, no pledge, to give you recipes for two that are healthy, satisfying, easy, and quick.  No esoteric ingredients.  No crazy techniques.  Just good, solid food for the way we live.  And maybe a quick video to show you how.  I promise that anyone can cook, and just because we’ve gotten so far at the office, doesn’t mean we can’t come home to the kitchen.  There is power in doing things yourself, no matter where you do them.  And as we said growing up in my big family, and now in my little one: bon app!

We start with the easiest, most satisfying soup in the world: Tortellini Soup.  Cheesy tortellini, floating on a tomato broth.  Hearty, and good.  I used to order it guiltily at a place called Sal’s in Florida.  Guiltily because I was vegetarian, but I couldn’t resist it even though I knew it had chicken stock in it.  I was really living dangerously.  This is a vegetarian version, and it has three ingredients, all of which you can keep in your cabinet or freezer, so you don’t even need to stop off on the way home to buy anything. And the broth is literally made from just vegetable broth and marinara sauce.  Seriously.  Who knew?  My only advice is to buy good organic broth, and excellent, tasty marinara sauce: few ingredients merit the good stuff.  And have fun with the tortellini and the toppings.  You could do meat or chicken or spinach tortellini, and top the soup with lots of Parm or chilis or herbs.  Whatever floats your boat or your tortellini.

Tortellini Soup
serves 2 to 3

Tortellini SoupINGREDIENTS

  • 1 32-ounce box of vegetable broth (preferably organic)
  • 1 24-ounce jar of marinara sauce (recommended: Mario Batali, or other San Marzano tomato sauce)
  • 1 20-ounce package (or 2 10-ounces packages) of cheese or cheese-and-spinach tortellini from the refrigerator or freezer section
  • Salt and pepper


  • Crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Chopped fresh basil (optional)
  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheese (optional)


Put the vegetable stock and marinara sauce in a large pot with a lid.  Turn the heat to medium-high, and bring the mixture to a boil.  Add the tortellini, and cover the pot again.  Cook just until the tortellini float to the top of the broth, about 3 minutes.  Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste, and garnish with spicy pepper flakes, fresh basil, and/or Parmesan cheese.  Seriously, that's it.

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Categories: 15 Minutes, Cheap, Easy, Eat, Main Courses, Recipes, Series, Soup, Soup & Salad, Vegetarian, Vegetarian, Watch, Working Girl Dinners

The Secret Ingredient (Saffron) Part I: Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron Yogurt

RECIPE: Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron Yogurt
Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron Yogurt

Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron Yogurt

Get the whole story at Serious Eats.

It is a widely touted fact that saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, and that it is collected by hand, the stamens of a crocus flower, plucked by hands, and dried.  Thankfully, it only takes a pinch of saffron to make a dish.

This salad is my knock-off of an appetizer I had at The Red Bicycle in Santorini, Greece, last summer.  The eggplant is soft and tender, and just crispy-burnt around the edges.  It  is draped in a rich sauce of nothing but Greek yogurt and saffron, and the salad is topped with torn fresh basil and crunchy toasted pine nuts.  It’s not exact–the rendition the owner taught me has brown sugar and pomegranate seeds thrown in the mix, but this is Red Bicycle redux, and it’s pretty fabulous.  It has what saffron always imparts–the color, the flavor, the smell of the exotic.  There’s nothing uncommon about the ingredients in this dish–even saffron stocks the shelves of every grocery store in the country–but saffron still has that magic spell, like a free ticket halfway around the world.

Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron Yogurt
serves 4

Roasted Eggplant Salad with Saffron YogurtINGREDIENTS

  • 2 1 1/4-pound eggplants, cut in 1-inch cubes
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt, plus extra
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron
  • 2 tablespoons hot water
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • Freshly cracked black pepper
  • 10 basil leaves, roughly chopped
  • 1 tablespoon toasted pine nuts


In a large colander, toss the eggplant with the salt.  Allow to drain over the sink for 30 minutes.  Do not rinse.  Preheat the broiler.

Toss the eggplant with the olive oil on a Silpat- or parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet.  Arrange the eggplant in a single layer, close together, on the baking sheet.  Broil in the top third of the oven, but not directly under the broiler, stirring 3 times, until the eggplant is soft and just beginning to char, 25 to 30 minutes.  Set aside to cool.

While the eggplant roasts, combine the saffron and hot water in a small bowl, and allow to steep.  Once the eggplant is cool, blend together the saffron, its water, and the yogurt in a small food processor.  Season with salt and pepper.

Arrange the eggplant in a single layer on a wide platter.  Top with the saffron yogurt sauce, then basil leaves, and finally pine nuts.  Serve at room temperature.

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Categories: Easy, Eat, Recipes, Salad, Series, Sides, Soup & Salad, The Secret Ingredient, Vegetables, Vegetarian

Two-Ingredient Pain au Chocolat

RECIPE: Two-Ingredient Pain au Chocolat
Two Ingredient Chocolate Croissant

Two Ingredient Chocolate Croissant

When Mr. English and I are in Paris, he always orders the same breakfast: omelette nature, café noir, and pain au chocolat (that’s a plain omelet, black coffee, and chocolate croissant).  Apparently, it’s a really funny order because my step-father gets no end of joy for making fun of him for eating it.  Whatever.  It’s our thing, and it’s one of the few things Mr. English has completely mastered in French.  It’s a rainy day in Paris today, but that won’t get in the way with our routine.  For when we get home, I have a little two-ingredient substitute.  I just roll really good chocolate into puff pastry, and bake it.  It’s not quite a Paris pain au chocolat, but fresh from the oven, it’s a pretty good way to start the day.

Two-Ingredient Pain au Chocolat
makes 4

Two Ingredient Chocolate CroissantIngredients

  • 1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed but cold
  • 2 ounces dark chocolate (recommended: Green & Black's 70% cocoa)


The night before, move the puff pastry from the freezer to the fridge.

A half hour before you want to serve breakfast, preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

Unfold the sheet of puff pastry, and cut two diagonal lines from corner to corner to make 4 squares.  Line a quarter of the chocolate on the long side of each triangle, and roll up, bending int the corners like a crescent shape.  Park the croissants on a Silpat- or parchment-lined baking sheet, and bake 25 to 30 minutes, until puffed and golden.  Serve now!

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Categories: 30 Minutes, Bakery, Bread & Butter, Breakfast & Brunch, Cheap, Easy, Eat, Pastries, Recipes, Vegetarian

French in a Flash: Boursin and Tomato Mini Tartines

RECIPE: Boursin and Tomato Mini Tartines
Boursin and Tomato Mini Tartines

Boursin and Tomato Mini Tartines

Get the whole story at Serious Eats.

Easy does it.  Tartines, one-sided sandwiches topped with, usually, one thing, are easy.  And they do the trick.  In Paris, I have my little places where I know I can get a tartine I like: usually smoked salmon, or saucisson sec.  Everything on them, and by everything I mean, the bread and the salami or salmon, has to be perfect for the tartine to be quality.  I like that honesty, and simplicity.  It’s not cooking, so much as hospitality.

These tartines are assembled on long slices of crisply toasted baguette, topped with a mash of store-bought Boursin, which is so full of the flavor of garlic and herbs that no matter how you dilute it, it is still the most flavorful thing in your kitchen, cut with ricotta, to make it spreadable.  On top, chopped grape tomatoes, sweet and crunchy, with a drizzle of olive and fleur de sel.  I love these for lunch, or even breakfast.  Satisfying, but uncomplicated.

Boursin and Tomato Mini Tartines
serves 2

Boursin and Tomato Mini TartinesINGREDIENTS

  • 1/4 cup Garlic and Fine Herbs Boursin
  • 1/4 cup whole milk ricotta cheese
  • 6 3/4-inch slices baguette, cut on a steep bias
  • 2/3 cup grape tomatoes (about 18), quartered
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of fleur de sel


In a small bowl, mash together the Boursin and ricotta.  Set aside.

Toast the baguette slices in a toaster until just golden and slightly crisp.  Set on a rack to keep crisp, and cool.

When the bread is cool, spread with the Boursin mixture.  Toss the tomato, olive oil, and fleur de sel together, and spoon on the cheese-topped baguette slices.  Serve immediately.

print this post Posted by Kerry | 1 Comment
Categories: 15 Minutes, Appetizers & Hors D’Oeuvres, Bread & Butter, Breakfast & Brunch, Easy, Eat, For a Crowd, French in a Flash, Recipes, Sandwiches, Series, Vegetarian

Welcome back to French Revolution!


Today is a big, big, big, big day (to quote from the great book I just finished: The Hunger Games).  I started this blog, French Revolution, on April 13, 2008.  I can’t take all the credit—it wasn’t my idea.  I wanted to be a food writer.  But that’s not exactly a job title with a clear path.  Everyone needs a break, and it turns out in this day in age, you can give that break to yourself.  My boyfriend, belovedly coined Mr. English on this site, commanded me to start a blog.  I was hesitant: as the team behind this website knows, I am not technically gifted.  So I bought Blogging for Dummies, and French Revolution was born.

Today, at nearly three years old, French Revolution is born again.  It as all thanks to Rose Daniels, of Rose Daniels Design, the brilliant, patient, and visionary web designer whose work you see all over this site.  With her worked the tolerant programmer Alex Bajoris, who explained the workings of websites to me with the generosity afforded to a toddler, and Rae Danneman, whose beautiful drawings, full of personality, illuminate every page of this site.  They managed to take the little seed sprouting in my head, and grow it into the new French Revolution.

When French Revolution began, it gave me an accountable way to test a very specific kind of recipe—easy, renovated French-inspired food.  And while that will always be at the heart of what I do, this new site is going to drop pretense and gimmicks, and just have fun with food.  Let loose a little–something I should do more often.  Here, you’ll find great restaurants, interviews with some pretty fantastic foodies, and recipes, of course.   At the request of those nearest and dearest, I will be doing fast, simple after-work recipes that are healthy and easy.  I will be posting videos of the basics.  I will be cooking from French food magazines.  I will be posting my pieces from The Huffington Post and Serious Eats.  I will be having some fun, and I hope you will too!

Thanks for stopping in.  Take a look around, and sign up for the weekly newsletter so you don’t miss a single recipe or restaurant recommendation.  Thank you, past present and future, for being a part of French Revolution.  It just means the world to me.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Franglais: Fried Calamari Persillade

RECIPE: Fried Calamari Persillade
Fried Calamari Persillade

Fried Calamari Persillade

Get the whole story at The Huffington Post.

Somewhere in the bowels of the Natural History Museum in New York City there is a giant squid.  I’m not sure if the room still exists today as it did back in the Eighties, but as it was then, or at least as I remember it to have been then, there was a huge blue whale hanging from the ceiling, and a Mad Men-esque cocktail bar from which I always ordered a ginger ale with a maraschino cherry.  The whole thing had a sunken-Nautilus aspect: a dim blue lighting, and curiosity tanks filled with things like an old twist-on metal deep-sea diving suit.  And a giant squid.  Not as they are, I imagine, in reality, but as they are in Captain Nemo’s nightmares.

Enter calamari.  I wrote last week that this week’s recipe is inspired by my childhood summers in Woodstock.  It was there that I first encountered not the giant squid of Natural History, but the crispy, golden, miniature squid of an upstate Italian restaurant.  My father, my constant Natural History blue room companion, ordered me a basket, remembering, no doubt, how I stood entranced, marveling at Nemo’s nemesis.  The waiter whisked it from the kitchen, over to me.  My eyes flared open.  In my little hand I clutched the now-crispy tentacles that had haunted so many oversized childhood nightmares.  The long body cut into perfect rings, to be dunked in a boiling sea of marinara sauce.  I knew I never wanted to meet a squid after Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.  But from that moment on, above the sea, with the tables turned, I have met them quite happily, and quite often.

Persillade, in French cooking, refers to a topping or combination of parsley and garlic, often packed onto shellfish or lamb or any meat really.  It has such a strong and overwhelmingly delicious and simple flavor.  Here, I very simply fry calamari and toss it with grated fresh, strong garlic, and a confetti of parsley.  I serve it, optionally, with a roasted garlic mayonnaise, but really, the combination of the hot, crispy calamari slowly, gently cooking the garlic and parsley onto each individual piece is so good, it needs nothing but an eager eater.  Of course, I am always happy to oblige.  Bon app.

Fried Calamari Persillade Zoom

Fried Calamari Persillade
serves 2 to 4

Fried Calamari Persillade ZoomINGREDIENTS

  • 1 head of garlic, whole, plus 2 large cloves garlic, finely grated
  • ¼ cup mayonnaise
  • Canola oil for frying
  • 1 pound calamari tubes, sliced in ½- to ¾-inch rings
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • ¾ teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • ¼ lemon, zested


Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Cut the top quarter horizontally off the head of garlic, and wrap the remainder in foil.  Roast for 1 hour, and allow to cool.  Remove foil, and squeeze out roasted garlic cloves.  Mash together with mayonnaise, and set aside.

In a cast iron skillet with high sides, heat 1 to 2 inches oil to 375 to 380°F.  Meanwhile, in a large Ziploc bag, shake the calamari rings with the flour, cornstarch, and salt to coat.  Shake off extra flour, and then fry in 3 batches until crisp and just turning golden, about 3 minutes.  Drain very quickly on paper towel, then toss hot calamari with grated garlic, parsley, and lemon zest in a large bowl.  Cut the zest lemon, and serve along with the calamari and roasted garlic mayonnaise.

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Categories: 15 Minutes, Appetizers & Hors D’Oeuvres, Cheap, Eat, Fish, For a Crowd, Franglais, Main Courses, Recipes, Series